Yesh Matsav

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Filled with the Spirit

February 19th, 2009 by Kevin · No Comments · Uncategorized

This will be my first live, insta-blog. I’m sitting in the Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv, enjoying the free internet service, which I suppose is subsidized by the $2.50 bottle of holy land mineral water that I just purchased.

As I sit here waiting for the flight, I find myself surrounded not by hairy hasids on their way back to Brooklyn after voting for the United Torah Judaism party, but by teams of evangelical Christians on their way back to Des Moines, Iowa, Russelville, Arkansas, and other various towns I’ll probably never visit.

One is talking loudly about how the spirit has filled him and that he has lots of energy (give me some of that holy land water), while the other is talking about his visit to the Valley of Eli, where David slew Goliath. I’m used to qualifications to statements like that latter one, such as, where “according to the bible” David slew Goliath. But I realize that for this gang, there is no such thing as a biblical qualification.

I’m praying that I’m not stuck next to one of these folks during the flight. Give me a hairy hasidic torah thumper any day over that.


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